Investigating the Matrix of Cultural Production

Artistic interventions at the intersections of contemporary art, participatory cultural production and cultural management processes

Introducing the research project P/ART/ICIPATE – The Matrix of Cultural Production

Picture: © Melanie Maddison

P/ART/ICIPATE – The Matrix of Cultural Production


The project “P/ART/ICIPATE“ is developed and conducted at the program area Contemporary Arts & Cultural Production within the Focus area Science and Art at the University of Salzburg in Cooperation with the University Mozarteum.


The project investigates the following areas:

(a)    Artistic strategies as cultural interventionist communication strategies
(b)   Artistic collectives and collaborative working processes
(c)    Requirements for collaborative and process-oriented production and management processes
(d)   Participatory cultural production with and by young people



1. Documentation and analysis of contemporary artistic interventions as projects of cultural production and in relation to the meaning of communication processes involved

2. Development of a theoretical model of a matrix of cultural production based on the circuit of culture and in the context of contemporary artistic practices, cultural citizenship, participatory culture, participation and process-based cultural management

3. Development of a toolbox to facilitate a practice-oriented navigation within and through the matrix of cultural production in the context of contemporary artistic practices for cultural producers



– literature review

– case studies

– qualitative interviews with cultural producers (individual and focus groups)


(Program area Contemporary Arts & Cultural Production, Focus area Science and Art, University of Salzburg in Cooperation with University Mozarteum, in collaboration with Elisabeth Klaus, Department of Communication, University of Salzburg)


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Elke Zobl, Siglinde Lang ( 2012): Investigating the Matrix of Cultural Production. Artistic interventions at the intersections of contemporary art, participatory cultural production and cultural management processes Introducing the research project P/ART/ICIPATE – The Matrix of Cultural Production Picture: © Melanie Maddison . In: p/art/icipate – Kultur aktiv gestalten # 01 ,