
Ausgewählte Artikel

Drüeke Ricarda/Zobl, Elke (2015): #aufschrei – The Role of Twitter for Feminist Activism and as Platform for Alternative Publics, in: Civic Media Reader 2015, online:

Zobl, Elke (2104): Feminist Zines: Cultural Production, Transnational Networking, and Critical Reflection in Feminist Zines, in: David, Matthew/Millward, Peter (Ed.): Researching Society Online. SAGE. (originally published in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 35(1) (2009))

Lang, Siglinde (2014): Kunst. Partizipation. Kulturelle Produktion. In: Neue Kunstwissenschaftliche Publikationen (1/2014). Online unter:

Huber, Laila: Topographies of the Possible. Creating Situations and Spaces of a City’s Counter-narrative. In: Anthropological Journal of European Cultures Volume 24, No. 2 (2015): 34-54.

Zobl, Elke/Drüeke, Ricarda: Making Art, Making Media, Making Change: Partizipative Kultur- und Medienproduktion mit Jugendlichen. In: Ida Pöttinger, Rüdiger Fries und Tanja Kalwar (Hg.): Doing Politics: politisch agieren in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Kopäd Berlin, GMK. (erscheint Winter 2015)

Drüeke, Ricarda/Zobl, Elke:  Online Feminist Protest Against Sexism: The German-Language Hashtag #Aufschrei. In: Feminist Media Studies Journal (erscheint Herbst/Winter 2015)

Lang, Siglinde: In-between `What is´ and `What might be´. Arts, Participation and Collaborative Cultural Meaning Production. In: Cultural Institutions and Communication: Towards Creative Participation. Special Issue of `Media Transformations´, Vol. 2015, eJournal of the Department for Public Communication and Media Research Center, University of Kaunas. (erscheint im Herbst 2015)

Lang, Siglinde: Are Artists the better Managers? Perspectives on a Participatory Understanding of (Cultural) Management. In: Küpers, Wendelin et al. (ed.): ReThinking Management. New and Critical Perspectives on managing and organizing, with and beyond cultural turns. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. (erscheint Frühjahr 2016)

( 2015): Recommended. In: p/art/icipate – Kultur aktiv gestalten # 06 ,