10 Prämissen zum Handlungsfeld von KulturmanagerInnen im Kontext zeitgenössischer Kunst und kultureller Produktion
Statusbericht des gleichnamigen Teilprojektes zum mehrjährigen Forschungsprojekt P/ART/ICIPATE – The Matrix of Cultural Production.
A work-in-progress report of a research project (as part of the larger project P/ART/ICIPATE – The Matrix of Cultural Production: Artistic interventions at the intersection of contemporary art, cultural management processes and cultural citizenship).
Whether and to what extent can „arts and cultural management“ refer to a field of contemporary artistic production that intends to initiate cultural and social processes? This is the key question of the research project „Art goes Culture“ which forms the basis for this work-in-progress report.
In the context of contemporary artistic and cultural developments and their points of intersection, I understand art and cultural managers as moderators who actively support and accompany collaborative processes of shaping the production of cultural meaning. Thus, I argue that art and cultural management should put less emphasis on „organizing something“ than on „moderating an in-between“ or on „coordinating an evolving/on-going process“. Cultural management refers to a continuous process of production of meaning or a „negotiation process“ (Van den Berg 2009: 111) (* 24 ) of what is (currently) understood and practised daily as culture. The fundamental challenge for arts and cultural managers is to step from (primary) cultural consumption towards active cultural production. Artistic interventions can play an important role in offering new perspectives and opportunities for participation and collaboration.
The research project „Art goes Culture“ investigates under which premises the relationship between contemporary art and cultural production can systematically be described as a moderated collaborative production process – and thus also as a newly defined communication management process. I aim to develop a model that reflects on active participation of all (involved) publics as a practised participatory culture by analysing collaborative and participatory (-oriented) contemporary art and cultural projects that open up low-threshold fields of action. Additionally, I will generate a map that guides art and cultural managers through moderating these processes of cultural production initiated by the arts. Currently, ten premises that form the basis for generating this guide for a collaborative and process-oriented management model have been defined. These will be presented and discussed in the work-in-progress report.
Siglinde Lang ( 2012): ART GOES CULTURE. 10 Prämissen zum Handlungsfeld von KulturmanagerInnen im Kontext zeitgenössischer Kunst und kultureller Produktion. In: p/art/icipate – Kultur aktiv gestalten # 01 ,